Get all the help needed for your college application with the ChampRISER’s college admissions program!
Gain the ivy advantage in your court. Take away the stress and drama in college admissions and make your child stand out in a competitive world, with our time-tested strategies forged in the fires of a champion-raiser, and finessed across dozens of colleges.
Get the help you need with your child’s college applications TODAY!
Our college counseling, school admissions coaching, and application counseling helps you gain a competitive edge over thousands of accomplished applicants. Ask about ChampRISER’s personalized college admissions and contact us now to launch your Champion journey. Stand out in a competitive world.
Who We Are
Breeding Champion Generations is our Genomic Imprint.
A team of success-enabling transformation experts that are passionate to equip YOUR success: professors, educational counsellors, scholarship and grant experts, admissions professionals, and more. Together, we have more than 100 years of experience in advancing educational excellence and raising champions.
Commissioned for the common good, and inspired by Exodus 3:22B & Hebrew 6:12, ChampRISER believes in investing in and nurturing your child’s future, so they can be who they were always meant to be.
Like you, we want to see them excel, break barriers and exceed bounds! We deliver premium services that pave the way for the next generation to achieve more than their parents ever dreamed. We make new dreams come true.
Why Us
- Parental Enablement: eagle focus on life success from the cradle. We equip moms and dads using our innovative parental empowerment tools and provide life consulting to partner with you on every important aspects of what it takes to raise a Champion. Did you know that > 85% most Olympic Gold medalists had a parental figure that discovered their talent before the age of 6 years old? “Children are a Heritage”
- Counseling: engage child’s potential from the cradle, with structured programming needed to achieve excellence, mental and extracurricular guidance, and the best of professional help referrals where necessary
- Educational Discipline: We deliver personalized learning plans, test prep, essay writing workshops, tutoring recommendations, and more, so they can achieve their academic goals
- College Admissions: It’s never too late to find the Champ in you! We eliminate stress from the college application by navigating this intensive process with you, offering help with admission essays, letters, and more. College application packages submitted by our Champs are robust, convincing, and well-representative of our Champs’ uniqueness and differentiators for success.