Giving Back

We are passionate about the communities we serve. Corporate Social Responsibility & Jus-tice runs in our veins.

*Pa Josiah Fadugba was a public officer of the local courts in the city of Ilesa, Osun State, Nigeria. A well educated and respected Chief, passionate for the welfare of people across all rungs of society.
Following global breakout of World War II, Pa Josiah insightfully noted an impending risk of hunger. He then led an indigenous coalition of native Ijesa’s – Egbe Omo Ibile Ijesa – to en-sure folks were catered for, even in the midst of world-wide levies. However, as it is now, so it was then. His strategic foresight was welcome by most but the concept of political greed for social ill is not new to our generation.

In early 1941, the work of an independent audit firm illuminated grave allegations of bribery and corruption, and incriminated city treasurer and some members of the ruling classes. Given limited education, most Ijesas would not make sense of the impending hunger impact, except for Pa Josiah’s intelligence, integrity and social leadership. The godly social advocate he was, Pa Josiah arose for his people, and in one encounter in defiance to his boss stated: “Lejoka, o i se onoyin ire. Oniyan le sanwo osun meta, o i ko lo san osun meji din logun?!”. Loosely translated as: “Judge, you’re an evil tax collector. This resident comes to you, unable to afford a little, but you then levy him to pay six times more? How inhumane!

This resulted in Pa Josiah’s being thrown into jail, which triggered the heroic historic city-wide Ijesa riot of 1941, where supporters of Pa Josiah struck houses of the king, and other upper ruling class offenders. Mere chicken eggs slammed against the houses sent property to complete fire combustion. It is notable that Pa Josiah sent messages of peace to all, even from his jail cell.

In our age and generation, the unfailing power of YAH has now replaced such egg-flames. Yet, the same conviction for community love, empowerment and rightful doing remains. Here are a few ways we engage. Click on each to learn more and we welcome your partner-ship with us to raise champions from the orphans we’ve adopted to ministry.

  • Honoring Those Who Serve: We offer a sliding scale payment plan for military families, firefighters, medical professionals specifically at the front line of the COVID pandemic, and *low-income families (*requires valid 3-year tax return)
  • Tabitha Ministries Orphanage (Lagos, Nigeria) and Mordecai Orphanage (Warri, Nigeria)
*As told by Mama Tai, Pa Josiah’s most junior wife, in a recorded history interview with her grandchildren, two of whom are members of our executive team at ChampRISER.