College Admissions

College Champs

Our College application and admissions program are second to no other admission coaches in the United States. We diligently work with each candidate to assess needs – academic and extracurricular, understand your dream and proffer the most optimal programming for your application success. You can expect personalized college admissions roadmap and guidance through the college admission process: applications, admission essay planning, etc. Dream BIG!!! Whether it be for an Ivy League University, a top State College, a specific geographic location of interest, or a streamlined consulting assistance, we’re here to help!

Home of the Brave Champs | All levels International Studies

Do you hope to study in a United States University someday?

We provide well-vetted legal services for your dream to come true. This is a fully customized program designed for international aspirants to walk with you every step of the way. Get in touch today for more information

* Program cost starts at $xxx USD

What ‘em Fly Champs | College Programs

Tier 1: Common Application

This plan offers help with college admissions essays up to three schools and three essays for each school. It is perfect for students applying to either the University of California System (which share an application process) or Private Colleges which share the Common Application. For an additional cost, we also offer assistance with supplemental school-specific essays that some private colleges require.

Fixed Cost

Tier 2: Common Application and One State University System

This plan will offer students support in completing the Common Application for up to five universities. We offer extra guidance to students who are required to complete school-specific college admission essays for admissions to some Common Application colleges.

Tier 3: Common Application

This plan will offer students support in completing a Common Application for up to ten universities. We offer extra guidance to students who are required to complete school-specific college admission essays for admissions to some Common Application colleges.

Premier Package | Champion Guaranteed

Our Premier solution is designed for students applying to top-tier, highly selective colleges, such as the Ivies and ultra-elite top-ranking US schools. It also caters to those who’re working with a college professor on research, prospective students for a combined BS/MSc. who will require additional support with admission essays. As this option focuses on ultra-prestigious school admissions, students will be tested to an incredibly high standard and will receive extensive interview preparation.

Champion Guaranteed: The champion guarantee requires a pre-intake evaluation of potential and commitment to rigorous program structure for guaranteed admissions.
We also offer the premier package for motivated parents and candidates who want a best shot regardless of potential.

Premier Programs Starting Cost: $xxx USD

To learn more, please get in touch with one of our esteemed team members today.